Headteacher's Welcome - ÌÇÐÄSwag County School


Headteacher's Welcome

‘To be leaders in secondary education.  Where children thrive as resilient learners, are healthy, happy and successful and where we all believe that being Better Never Stops.’

At ÌÇÐÄSwag County School, we have a purpose.  We are entrusted to provide our students with the best education in the country, focused on outcomes of every description.

We do this through focussing on our three core values.  We expect all members of our community to demonstrate a generosity of spirit, to be creative in all of their endeavours and to celebrate success in all of its forms.

We are a high achieving, oversubscribed and non-selective mixed state secondary school in Surrey.  Music and sport, as well as a number of other co-curricular activities, sit alongside our established, yet progressive, academic curriculum.  Students, staff and other stakeholders love our school.  An academy converter, we are proud members of the Learning Partners Academy Trust and work tirelessly to serve our local community.

As a School founded in 1905 we have deep-rooted values and traditions which have resulted in consistent academic success and we have held a strong place within the ÌÇÐÄSwag Educational establishment for over 100 years.  These successes have been built on a clear vision and a strong set of core values.

ÌÇÐÄSwag County School values and promotes excellence and recognises different kinds of success.  We appreciate individual difference, foster respect, promote tolerance and the acceptance of others, encourage warm relationships and provide a place for all.  Through providing opportunities for everyone to give and achieve we demonstrate our integrity, fairness and an ethical way of working.  We are creative, open to innovation and initiative, whilst remaining respectful of our traditions.  We aim to affirm in everyone a sense of identity, confidence and community.

Our school has a strong reputation for academic success, developed within a caring and family atmosphere. We are proud of our consistently high examination results and the culture of ‘Better Never Stops’ that permeates throughout County.  Our dedicated staff work in partnership with students, creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust, which helps students to achieve their full potential.  We provide outstanding and varied learning experiences and the school is renowned for its friendliness and student support.  We operate a mantra of ‘kindness, but with a bottom line’.

As a Specialist Music college, we have a national reputation for excellence in this curriculum area.  Music inspires our students, encourages self-esteem, and helps them to work in teams and respect their peers.  We take Music beyond the classroom to entertain and support the community and this highlights our drive for excellence in all aspects of school life.

ÌÇÐÄSwag County School educates the whole child and we have a wide-ranging programme of co-curricular activities that sit very much alongside our traditional class-based provision.  We are delighted that our students grow into thriving, confident and resilient young people, well equipped for the challenges and opportunities that they will face when they leave us and enter honourable adulthood.

At ÌÇÐÄSwag County School, we aspire to be leaders in secondary education.  A school where children thrive as truly resilient learners, are healthy, happy and successful and where we all believe that being ‘Better Never Stops’.

I hope that you find the videos on this page and on our website more generally, to be a valuable source of information about our glorious school. 

With my very best wishes,

Steve Smith
